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About – Our goals, where we are, and who we are.
Our methodologies, philosophies, and structure.
Meet the sustainable change in the Mediterranean.
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Stories, Scientific Publications, and Practice Abstracts.
Governance and business models for living labs:
Rural regeneration hubs for tackling soil health challenges in the Mediterranean region.
GOV4ALL brings communities across the Mediterranean together towards a regenerative approach to soil management that lays the ground for a future in which people, nature and soil can thrive together
Living Labs unite farmers, researchers, NGOs, policy-makers, and the public in the co-creation and validation of soil health solutions.
Rural regeneration hubs provide tailored services, business models and knowledge exchange between stakeholders and policymakers at regional, national and EU levels.
Collaborative research establishes soil monitoring protocols and validated soil health management systems.
Living Labs unite farmers, researchers, NGOs, policy-makers, and the public in the co-creation and validation of soil health solutions.
Rural regeneration hubs provide tailored services, business models and knowledge exchange between stakeholders and policymakers at regional, national and EU levels.
Collaborative research establishes soil monitoring protocols and validated soil health management systems.
Sustainable Change
Our five Living Labs bring a range of stakeholders together in communities across France, Greece and Spain, fostering a collaborative ecosystem of innovation towards healthier soils.
GOV4ALL seeks to open people’s eyes to the possibility of turning degraded lands into fertile grounds, where innovation and tradition merge to create a better world for future generations.
We envision a Mediterranean region
where people, nature and soil thrive.
Where communities are inspired.
Where ecosystems blossom.
Where sustainable businesses flourish.
Our Approach
Our mission starts with a co-designed vision for landscape and societal transformation with regenerative soil solutions at the core.
GOV4ALL brings together actors of change in five territories across the Mediterranean. These stakeholders form a partnership and embark on a process of mutual learning that leads to a co-created path towards a more prosperous future.
The project will act as a beacon of hope that restores inspiration in rural communities by showing local actors that sustainable and positive change is possible.
By establishing five Rural Regeneration Hubs, the project is creating a robust network of stakeholders dedicated to soil health, sustainable agriculture and social opportunities.
GOV4ALL is committed to restoring the health and resilience of the Mediterranean landscapes with regenerative soil management practices that aim to rejuvenate the soil, enhance biodiversity, and increase the resilience of ecosystems against climate change.
GOV4ALL aims to realize long-term, sustainable, and local income for the communities involved.
The Solvi’Terra Living Lab (Des sols vivants en Val de Drôme) brings together actors in the Drôme River valley southeastern France. It spans an area of 600 km2, with 22,000 ha of agricultural land. This area already forms part of the Biovallée initiative, a bioregion that for the last 30 years has united local stakeholders in efforts to pursue an ecological transition.
The Menorca Living Lab process brings together 38 farms representing a total area of 2,900 hectares and 4% of the island’s overall surface. Many of these farms form a mosaic system with the natural ecosystems of the Mediterranean island. Regionally, there is a heavy focus on cow farming for milk production. This sector has given rise to challenges such as over-exploration of land, groundwater pollution due to unmanaged cow manure, and soil contamination and degradation due to overuse of fertilizer.
The Aegean Living Lab process unites actors on the Greek island of Lesvos in the Aegean Sea. The island is home to a typical Aegan climate and topography and much of the rural farmland is dominated by olive production.
Altiplano Estepario
The Altiplano Estepario extends across 10,000 km2 over the Spanish territories of Almería, Murcia and Granada. It is typified as a flat, semi-arid steppe with unforested shrubland, a large production of organic rainfed almond trees. The region faces degraded soils and significant drought; increasingly extreme climatic conditions due to climate change.
North Kynouria, otherwise known by its ancient name Thyreatis, is a municipality in Arcadia Prefecture, which covers an area of 577 km² touching the northwestern shores of the Argolic Gulf and Northern Laconia. About 86% of its area consists of forests – mostly black pine, cephalonian firs, oaks, maples and chestnut trees – and grasslands, while the rest is cultivated land, with predominance of olive orchards (producing >10,000 tons of olives) and vineyards, with leftovers of the great shepherd tradition of Arcadia.
Living Labs
Communities in five locations around the Mediterranean are coming together to co-create regenerative soil management solutions and innovative business models to safeguard agriculture and foster rural development.
Living Labs
Communities in five locations around the Mediterranean are coming together to co-create regenerative soil management solutions and innovative business models to safeguard agriculture and foster rural development.
Project Coordinator
Tristano Bachetti De Gregoris
Communication Leader
Josep Crous Duran
Project Coordinator
Tristano Bachetti De Gregoris
Communication Leader
Josep Crous Duran
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